applied nervous system support for your body, mind, & soul

The art of being your true nature

In our modern world where busyness is celebrated, our identity and success is based on what we do not who we are being. We are more stressed, confused, feeling not enough and attempting to cope more than ever before.

Before conditioning and societal rules we were free, authentic and simply being who we were born to be. To get back to this state of embodying our innate creativity and worthiness, it calls for a shift in perception and energy- from fear to love. That our light and shadows unite and we rebuild our nervous system capacity to hold the frequency of prosperity, positivity and creativity. It requires a remembrance that our body/mind/soul beneath this conditioning is a dynamic, intimate, integral system designed to thrive.

Our true nature, the essence of who we are, is freedom, joy, love and abundance itself.

Here you will find accountability, clarity, and greater ease on your path towards true prosperity.

1:1 THERapeutic COACHING

Your pathway to prosperity

PROSPERITY: a successful, flourishing, or thriving condition

Prosperity encompasses money yes, and- prosperity is a path of the heart. In the Gene Keys, Richard Rudd speaks of liberating our prosperity, which refers to a profound clarity of mind. So if prosperity is about clearing the clutter in our minds, then it stands to reason that manifestation is simply a revealing of the freedom, abundance, joy, love and peace that is already within us. It’s not so much about ‘getting’ something, as it is about letting go of the barriers to our true nature. Our resistance to simply being.

No matter our external circumstances, or our internalized limitations, we always have the ability to open to the truth of who we are in every moment. Of course being in this human experience means that we have all experienced challenges and traumas, and thus may have imbalances and will need some external support. However, when we understand that we are energy and live from a frequency of harmony- whereby our inner and outer lives- dreams, relationships, health, finances and spirituality are in resonance, we can more easily remember it’s possible to create anything we desire and thus, experience true prosperity.

Understanding our energetics means to see our patterns, our shadows, our challenges and our gifts. As a parent, modelling authenticity and our true selves is the most precious gift we can give our children. This is how they learn to do it for themselves. To shift our energetics we need to train our nervous systems to process the mental stories and increase our capacity, so that our thoughts and emotions become pure expressions of our soul. We learn to express emotions- use them as information yet not identify with them. It is from this awareness that we can experience choice and from choice we can take aligned actions, expand, grow and be of service.

  • Receive support and accountability in achieving what your version of success is

  • Gain peace and clarity in your relationships, finances and career

  • Experience confidence, resilience and nervous system regulation to navigate life's challenges with ease and grace

  • Reclaim trust in your talents, strengths and gifts

  • Recalibrate your mind/body and redress energetic imbalances

  • Understand and learn how to best use your energy, create opportunities and make decisions

  • Learn your authentic success code and how you manifest your unique purpose

  • Learn how to spot when you are on or off-track and aligned with your unique purpose

  • Explore how you interact with and can have the most impact on others

  • Learn how you best process information

  • Learn how to nurture your mind/body connection and how to mitigate DEFENSIVE stress responses



1:1 therapeutic coaching package

the energy and intention of your thoughts impact your nervous system and your capacity to manifest and hold the prosperity frequency

our therapeutic coaching sessions are client-focused and client-driven; you are the expert in your life. As a coach utilizing the tools of Gene Keys, Human Design basics, frequency, and body-based therapeutics, I offer a deeper style of coaching designed for the multi-dimensional, multi-passionate, heart-centered woman.

With my counselling background I work through a trauma-informed, body-based, therapeutic lens using breath-work, yogic science, somatic emotional release techniques, frequency therapy, and feminine communication designed to free your subconscious and energetic blocks. We work in partnership to awaken your creative power, create a vision to fulfill your purpose and embrace your potential in every aspect of life.

Embrace your unique gifts, values, and leadership, and embody rest, presence and true prosperity.

what’s included :

  • 80+ page customized Human design Roadmap (Comes in a downloadable PDF format delivered before our 1:1 sessions)


    Through witnessing and intuitive, respectful guidance you will be supported step-by-step in your healing process, expansion, and connection to your higher self. Together we will bring awareness to your limiting beliefs and subconscious blocks through an action-oriented, heart-centered approach to nervous system health that addresses your mind, body, and soul. We will integrate specific tools to help regulate your nervous system based on your current default stress patternsand support you to embrace and embody your gifts to magnetize the right people and opportunities, and step in to what prosperity and success mean to you.


    For the practical application of ‘how-to’s as they apply to your life, we will support your integration with best practices of how you are designed to eat, sleep, move, play, communicate, learn, relate to others, attract relationships, handle stress, make decisions and make use of your natural gifts and talents.


    30-min check-in to assess your progress and outcomes.


  • The HUMAN DESIGN ROADMAP is a stand-alone 80+ page custom report available to you outside of the coaching package. If you are only wanting a customized downloadable report then this option is for you!

  • The ROADMAP is a comprehensive and customized downloadable digital guide that provides you with a "how-to" for navigating your journey with self. Whether you are looking for more ease and understanding around your energetics and how to utilize your innate gifts, want to dive deeper into the nature of your shadows and challenges, or are a parent looking for support with your child, the HUMAN DESIGN ROADMAP will serve as a valuable resource guide for years to come. 

  • No matter where you are in your manifestation journey of creating prosperity and success in your life, the HUMAN DESIGN ROADMAP offers practical tools to support you in relationships, business, health, finances, spirituality and parenting- including best practices for eating, sleeping, playing, moving and learning for your energy type, and how to utilize your innate gifts and talents to fulfill your life’s purpose.


    Your Human Design Bodygraph Chart

    What is Human Design Overview with glossary

    Energy Type - how you are designed to use your energy

    Strategy - how you are designed to manifest opportunities

    Authority- how you make decisions and foster independence

    Profile- how you are designed to manifest your purpose

    Defined Centers- how and where in your body your energy operates consistently

    Undefined Centers- how and where in your body you are most sensitive to other’s energy

    Gates- themes in life, tendencies and traits, strengths, gifts, challenges and blocks

    Channels- themes in life, tendencies and traits, strengths, gifts, challenges and blocks

    Digestion + Nourishment- how to best nourish through food and information

    Environment- how you can best adapt in your physical space

    Play, Movement + Rest

    Communication, Learning & Socialization

    Stressors + Nervous System Regulation, and Emotions

    *This digital report does not include coaching on how to integrate your human design profile. If you are wanting personalized support and strategies to practically integrate your learning, please go to my personalized coaching sessions here.

the human design roadmap

  • creates clarity so you can craft your own code of aligned and authentic actions

  • reveals who you are not, so your true nature and life purpose can be realized

  • reveals where you have been conditioned and programmed to believe things about yourself and the world

  • relieves the stress of trying to understand why you or your child behaves the way they do

  • offers practical self-care and support strategies to implement real-time

  • PrOVIDES INSIGHT and encourages contemplation on your biggest life challenges

the Therapeutic coaching Framework

As a Therapeutic Coach, I feel the most impactful way for you to free yourself to create the life you want is through a series of therapeutic coaching sessions that support you to remove your subconscious blocks, create new empowering narratives and take aligned actions.

Using nervous system tools, breath and somatics we will incorporate the Human Design and Gene Keys systems, along with frequency therapy where applicable. You will be guided step-by-step through the process of understanding and shifting your personal energetics.

You can ask questions about your customized printed report and, via an intuition-led reading, receive practical, real-time support for you to integrate your learning.


We will assess your unique blueprint and design- you eat, sleep, move, play, communicate, learn, relate to others, attract relationships, handle stress, make decisions and make use of your natural gifts and talents.

We will assess your default stress patterns and support you with best practices in nervous system regulation for your type. We will look at what is already working and not working, your innate strengths and gifts, and your conscious and unconscious blocks.

Step by step we will create a personalized plan to implement strategies that will support your goals.


By defining your personal values and grounding each day in intention, feelings, connection, priorities, and rest, we will begin to shift your frequency to higher states of being and create your life on your terms.

With new practices in place, you’ll be living out your own life experiment.

You will learn to decipher in real-time what activates and triggers you and how to embody the skills of resilience and course correction.

Living by your values and true nature, you will experience higher states of frequency regardless of your external circumstances and step into true freedom.


work with Melissa


This coaching is for you if: you are on an inner expedition, you are not afraid to go deep, you are tired of the same life patterns repeating, and you are ready for the evolution of YOU.

To ensure we achieve relevant and measurable outcomes and serve you in the best way possible, I would love to know more about you! Please complete the form below and tell me a little about your background and why this type of therapeutic coaching would be meaningful to you.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Meet the founder

Welcome. I’m Melissa Blyth.

Mother, Therapeutic Coach, and Pre-Licensed Professional Counsellor

I want you to get excited about who you are, what you are, what you have, and what can still be for you. I want to inspire you to see that you can go far beyond where you are right now.- virginia satir

While therapeutic coaching and counselling is the foundation of my work, it is the designing of our lives and living our true nature that really lights me up. I believe that as spiritual beings, prosperity is fundamentally who we are. We cultivate a peaceful and meaningful life by who we are being- rather than what we do.

Not knowing my Metis Canadian roots until later in life, I spent many years struggling and in a deep search to understand my identity and place in the world. I travelled extensively throughout Europe, India and Asia, lived abroad in London UK, studied entrepreneurship, women’s health coaching, and trained in hatha yoga for 20+ years, deeply connecting to the Vedanta philosophy and practices of Vijnana and Kundalini Yoga. All the while I was connecting with many people and cultures and experimenting with different lifestyle medicines and spiritual philosophies, yet I was still feeling lost and empty inside.

The process of discovering my true nature began when I became a mother and deepened as I entered into co-parenthood. A lifetime of conditioning and being imprisoned by my early childhood beliefs and narratives as a result of myriad traumas, I manifested a lot of beautiful abundance in my life, but also a great deal of conflict and suffering.

After a very tumultuous journey in early motherhood I began to study developmental psychology, attachment science, and everything conscious parenting, which led me to an unravelling of all the parts of my inner child and shadow self that were inauthentic, fearful and confused. It was during this period that I discovered and embraced the origins of my Metis lineage, and began an in-depth study of Human Design and Gene Keys. Shortly thereafter I decided to formalize all of my training and become certified in coaching and registered in counselling, utilizing a spiritual and integrative approach.

I see myself as living proof that when we embrace our grief and are willing to face our shadows and fears in the companionship of a safe other, we can begin to see that life is art: the colours, textures and patterns that make up the experiences and tapestry of our lives is a thing of astonishing beauty.






















  • Humans are energy beings (which includes our physical bodies as well as our conscious and subconscious thoughts and emotions). Utilizing frequency technology is a powerful way to bypass the conscious mind and support our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy systems. It is a simple, yet highly effective adjunct to counselling, coaching, physical exercise, good nutrition, connection to nature and healthy relationships.

  • Frequency Therapy utilizes IMF (individualized micro current frequencies) and scalar technologies to support our body’s cells and bioenergetic field influencing our physical, mental and emotional health and vitality.

  • If it is indicated and aligned, we will work with Healy, a wearable wellness device that uses micro current and IMF (individualized micro current frequencies) through wristbands, coil and scalar technology. We will work with the remote function of Healy to augment and expedite your health and wellness goals.

    Healy gives us an opportunity to infuse the same content into our mind/body that our mind does. Think of it like an adaptogen- aiding our mind/body to adapt to stress, while bringing the body (targeted organ, cell, tissue, etc.) into coherence. It is the bridge between the quantum field and the physical body.

    We are generators and receivers of energy- everything is energy, even the physical world. Our bodies are the true healers and wellness devices, yet we are often taken out by our own thoughts, emotions or historical events that live in our nervous system.

    Healy offers us a radical, evolutionary tool to support our body’s natural healing process.

  • The Gene Keys system founded by Richard Rudd is a self-awareness tool; a set of codes that identify your subconscious blocks of what is holding you back in life and how to break through these limitations.

    It is your unique blueprint of who you came to be on this earth and what you came to learn. The Gene Keys are a tool for us to see what each of us already possess inside of us and hone that, so we can share it with the world. Our greatest challenge is also our greatest gift.

    Based in spirituality, mysticicm, neuroscience, psychology, and epigenetics, the Gene Keys is rooted in the mystical system of the I Ching, and brings in elements of Astrology and Human Design.

    There are 64 Archetypes, and 11 of these Archetypes or themes of human behaviour are found in your personal Genetic Profile.

    Together we will work to decode your Gene Keys and rewire your nervous system to move out of fear mode and into trust. As you unlock the potential of your DNA through the power of contemplation, self awareness and practical application, you will begin to live the highest frequency of you.

  • Human Design is both the art and science of how to be full of yourself. It's the science of YOU- a personalized mapping tool of your genetic, energetic and subconscious systems that leads you to create an authentic life of fulfillment.

    It is an experiential and experimental system drawing from ancient wisdom (the I’Ching, Astrology, Vedic philosophy) and modern science (quantum physics, genetics and the study of neutrinos). Human Design was founded by Ra Uru Hu in the 80’s through a series of unusual mystical experiences while he was living in Ibiza, Spain. Ra, (born Alan Krakower in Montreal, Canada) an ex-advertising executive, magazine publisher, and media producer, was an artist, mystic, and businessman who dedicated the next 20+ years downloading, developing and teaching the Human Design system around the world.

    Understanding your own and your child’s unique Human Design chart can serve as a roadmap for life removing a lot of confusion and guesswork. It gives you the self-awareness and tools to help you understand yourself at a personality and a soul level.

    It reveals your energetic blueprint so you can understand how you are wired to make decisions, how you are designed to communicate, and how to uncover your gifts, talents, motivation and superpower, while revealing the areas where you are blocked and where you are vulnerable to conditioning to outside influences.

    In short, it helps to harness your power and potential in every area of your life- business, relationships, health and spirituality.

    YOU are the authority on your life. And YOU are the one who will create your own transformation. I am simply a guide, and Human Design is an awareness tool and cosmological language to help you see the true nature of you.

  • Your Hologenetic Profile is a personalized map of your inner being. It shows you the archetypal patterns that block the natural manifestation of your Genius (Shadows), and how to transform these patterns into your Gifts.

    Rather than being a fixed set of blueprints, your Profile represents a great journey you are on in life – to unlock the latent higher capacities of your Genius. (Richard Rudd)

    Together we will work to decode your Gene Keys and rewire your nervous system to move out of fear mode and into trust. As you unlock the potential of your DNA through the power of contemplation, self awareness and practical application, you will begin to live the highest frequency of you.

    Decoding and understanding the words/themes/archetypes that appear in your unique Gene Keys Profile (11 Keys), we uncover your highest potentials in life as well as the challenges that you are here to overcome.

  • Because each of us is on such an individual path our needs are unique. You could be on a path of reparenting yourself/your inner child, you may be parenting young children, or you may be a parent to older children. Regardless of where you are in your re/parenting journey, your relationships with others are a reflection of your relationship with yourself, and thus we can all benefit from understanding our (human) design at a deep level.

    Every one of us is born with our very own unique blueprint that encompasses both our conscious (mind) and unconscious (body). A Human Design Coaching Session and Roadmap will support you in your life journey to manifesting the life and relationships you desire. Whether you are reparenting your inner child or are mothering children, understanding your design helps you to remove inner blocks to success and take the guesswork out of why your child (or you) thinks, acts and behaves the way they do.

    Having this knowledge will make it easier to find your parenting groove, illuminate your blocks and help you manifest what you deeply desire in life. Even if you are not having your own chart read, just understanding your child’s design will help make your parenting more easeful and enjoyable because our children are reflections of us. They act as a barometer of how well we are functioning. If our children are acting out or struggling, we can usually bet that we too are struggling with something internally whether we are conscious of it nor not. It gives us an opportunity to address our own issues and eases the stress and concern that there is something wrong with our children. And by looking within, you are already creating a better environment for your child to flourish- one where they will have a better opportunity to feel seen and accepted for who they are.

    It's also important to remember that children innately live their unique design and understand their own energetics even though they may not be able to put language to it. Whether it is a hobby, interest, food, learning style, movement pattern or environment they are drawn to, or whether it's behavioural and emotional traits they naturally exhibit, our children are already experts at living their design. They do not need anything or anyone to tell them how to be themselves. However as part of being in our modern society, our children at a very young age (just like we did) become conditioned through family, culture, religion and society. They develop behavioural strategies and adaptations in response to their environment that do not serve them and take them farther away from the essence of who they are. It is up to us as parents to simply observe them and support their natural development.

    Like any system, Human Design is only a tool. The real inner work and transformation comes from living your design day-to-day as your very own experiment. Living the ups and downs of real life- whether you are experiencing flow and success or are weathering life’s inevitable challenges, this is where the knowledge of Human Design is most practical and applicable.

  • Human Design is not a personality test, a self-assessment or profiling tool, an inventory, a horoscope or therapy. It is not predictive, meaning it will not show you what is going to happen or tell you what to do. It is also not here to promise you that by doing xyz, you will be guaranteed xyz result. It is also not here to categorize or judge what is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. It is a dance- a spiral of the ever-changing nature of life. You will still encounter hardships, unknowns, and you will still feel the depths of pain. However by working with a trusted intuitive guide and Human Design consultant you can better understand your chart to feel more empowered in your life. Understanding what is pure mechanics and chemistry, what is you and not you, and what future action steps feel aligned.

    Human Design gives us a map to see our conscious and unconscious generational behavioural patterns and understand the energetics of how this plays out in our lives. It reveals distorted views and unrealistic expectations of self and others. What Human Design does reveal is who you already are.

    Seeing ourselves and each other as we are originally designed- not who we have been conditioned to be- is a practical gift that can benefit even the most seasoned spiritual or personal development practitioner.

    As a parent, Human Design is an empowering tool that will lead you to understand your child's personality and soul's purpose extending into your own self-awareness, which will aid in the therapeutic process.

  • Traumatic experiences- from the most minor and subtle to the more complex- lie at the heart of the human experience. By virtue of being human we have all had adverse experiences that shape who we are today and how we operate in relationships- especially the ones with our children.

    Reparenting is a way to offer ourselves the love, support, connection, protection, and care that we may not have received as a child. Unmet developmental and relational needs we did not receive from an attuned caregiver when we were young such as being admired, listened to, seen for who we are, and lovingly touched, (different from our basic needs such as food and a roof over our heads) continue to impact our lives in our adult relationships.

    Because Human Design reveals to us our unconscious and conscious behaviours and characteristics, it gives us a unique lens to see ourselves through. It offers us a higher perspective so that we can see our childhood adverse experiences for what they are- experiences that shape us, not define us. Knowing our Human Design (or even just our child's Human Design) can aid us in the reparenting process. It affords us the opportunity to give ourselves the love, attention, validation, affection, support and compassion that we did not get from our parents or primary caregivers.

    Part of being a conscious parent means that we must first reparent ourselves and look honestly and openly at how we are operating, so that we can show up as our best selves for our children.

  • Human Design helps us see the truth of who we are at our essence and offers us a new perspective from the old patterns we have been living out- both consciously and unconsciously. It is not a therapy, but it is part of a holistic therapeutic process.

    I have personally done an immense amount of healing work and study through modalities such as EMDR, Hypnosis including Inner Child, Shadow and Re-Parenting work, Somatic Experiencing Bodywork, Focussing Therapy and Parts Therapy, Internal Family Systems, Emotion-Focused Family Therapy, Attachment and Developmental Science, Conscious Parenting, Quantum Healing, Kundalini Yoga and A Course In Miracles.

    What I have found is that in working with these modalities, I was able to unblock physical, mental, emotional and spiritual perceptions that were holding me back from creating the life I wanted. Trauma-informed therapies and practices are critical pieces of a healing journey, as long as we can see the underlying truth in that we are already whole and worthy just by virtue of being alive. There is nothing to fix or save. Our innate worthiness did not leave us- we simply just need to be reminded of this truth and remove the barriers to its full expression.

    Subconscious beliefs based on our life experiences and traumas create our success mindset, but what is actually blocking us is a fundamental misunderstanding of what is right for us. Instead of being in flow of what is right for us, we can keep trying to work with manifesting tools to unblock something that we don't really want in the first place, or isn’t in alignment with who we are. If we don't know our authentic selves it is difficult to trust our inner guidance, and thus we end up working toward things we don't even want. We are not energetically designed or destined to suffer or be unsuccessful- even if we come from a line of generational trauma. We are not broken.

    The core human wound is the disconnection from Source and our authentic self to get love from others.

    Human Design serves as a beautiful foundation to trauma-informed modalities as it helps articulate things about ourselves that we implicitly know, but may not have language for. It is a practical tool that allows us to make real-time shifts in our day-do-day lives, getting us closer to our self-worth, authenticity and the essence/truth of who we are.

  • Whether you are mothering children or reparenting yourSelf to manifest greater success in your life, the HUMAN DESIGN ROADMAP offers practical tools to support your inner/child in the area of relationships, business, health, finances, and spirituality.

    The HUMAN DESIGN ROADMAP is a comprehensive and customized 60+page downloadable digital guide that provides you with a "how-to" roadmap for navigating the inner parent/parent journey and creating a more authentic life. This guide will be given to you on the 3rd coaching session, which will aid you in crafting your deepest authentic desires and values. I feel it is important to have the 1:1 coaching connection with my clients so I can best help you integrate and apply the tools immediately in your everyday life.


    • Strips away all of the should’s and have to’s of how to behave, how to manifest, how to live

    • Creates clarity for you/your inner child/your child so you can craft your own code of aligned and authentic actions

    • Reveals to you (your inner/child) who you are not, so your essence and life purpose can be more easily felt and known

    • Reveals where you have been conditioned and programmed to believe things about yourself and the world

    • Relieves the stress of trying to understand why you/your child behaves the way you do

    • Offers practical self-care and support strategies to implement real-time with your inner/child

    Coupled with inner child work and reprogramming old beliefs and subconscious patterns (we will work together with frequencies, and depending on the level of work needed, I may suggest working with a counsellor), the HUMAN DESIGN ROADMAP is the practical and foundational how-to for creating an authentic and fulfilled life and manifesting your dreams.


    • Your/Your Child’s Human Design Bodygraph Chart

    • What is Human Design Overview with glossary

    • Energy Type- how you are designed to use your energy

    • Strategy- how you are designed to manifest opportunities

    • Authority- how you make decisions and foster independence

    • Profile- how you are designed to manifest your purpose

    • Defined Centers- how and where in your body your energy operates consistently

    • Undefined Centers- how and where in your body you are most sensitive to other’s energy

    • Gates- themes in life, tendencies and traits, strengths, gifts, challenges and blocks

    • Channels- themes in life, tendencies and traits, strengths, gifts, challenges and blocks

    • Digestion + Nourishment- how to best nourish through food and information

    • Environment- how your child can best adapt in their physical space

    • Play, Movement + Rest

    • Communication, Learning & Socialization

    • Stressors + Nervous System Regulation, and Emotions

  • You will need your (or your child’s) exact time, date and place of birth to purchase your customized Human Design Roadmap. If you are unsure of the exact time of birth of your child, you can check with vital statistics or hospital records.

    If you do not know your own or another family member's time of birth and want to look up your Human Design chart, I can recommend an expert Astrologer who is trained to calculate your exact time through a very accurate rectification process.

  • You can download your own personal Human Design chart for free by entering in your name and email on my homepage. It will take you to a 3rd party software called Genetic Matrix- the one I use in my professional practice. Once you get to the software that calculates your Human Design chart, you will also need to know your date of birth, time of birth and place of birth. If you do not know your birth time yet, see note above on how to get your correct birth time calculation.

  • You will receive a customized digital downloadable PDF created by Melissa specifically for you or your child that can be printed out for future reference and used as a day-to-day (parenting) support guide. At that time we will book your 30 minute session to review your chart and create your practical strategies.

  • Yes! The HUMAN DESIGN ROADMAP makes the perfect gift for new or seasoned parents alike. It is never too early or late to understand how our children and children of our loved ones are designed to operate and support them in their journey.

    *See “What Is Included” in the FAQ above for an explanation of what information will be included in the chart reading/roadmap.

  • Remember that if at first you don’t recognize yourself in your type or in some of the other information presented, it could be that your conditioning has made you think, act, and see in ways that are counter to your being. Long-established patterns can be conscious or unconscious and can be difficult to break, so it’s important to note that the more you dive into your own personal design and transformation, you will inevitably begin to see things about yourself that you didn’t know and are now coming to light, or things that you “knew” but could not put language to. Stay committed to your path of inner transformation and know that your own personal truth will be revealed in time. You are always the expert in you. Above all, trust yourself and have fun in the exploration and experience of you.

Follow @melissa_blyth